VELOSEF (Capradine) uses, dose

VELOSEF (Capradine) Indications:

Cephradine is shown for the treatment of infections of the urinary, respiratory tracts and skin and delicate tissues, these incorporate: Upper respiratory infections: pharyngitis, sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, laryngo-tracheobronchitis, Lower respiratory diseases intense and persistent bronchitis, lobar and bronchopneumonia, Urinary tract infections: cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, Skin and delicate tissue diseases: boil, cellulitis, furunculosis, impetigo.

Cephradine, parenteral details For the treatment of Bone and joint infections, Septicaemia and endocarditis. Sterile Cephradine for infusion is demonstrated essentially for those patients incapable to endure verbal pharmaceutical. It is additionally demonstrated for intravenous utilize either by coordinate infusion or by intravenous mixture for the treatment of genuine and life undermining diseases.

Dosage and Administration:

As with anti-microbial treatment in common, treatment ought to be proceeded for a least of 48 to 72 hours after the persistent gets to be asymptomatic or prove of bacterial annihilation has been gotten.
In diseases caused by gather A beta-hemolytic streptococci, a least of 10 days of treatment is suggested to watch against the chance of rheumatic fever or glomerulonephritis.
Within the treatment of persistent urinary tract infections, visit bacteriologic and clinical evaluation is vital amid treatment and may be vital for a few months a while later. Diligent contaminations may require treatment for a few weeks. Dosages littler than those demonstrated over ought to not be utilized.

Cephradine, oral formulations:

In all patients, notwithstanding of age and weight, measurements up to 1 g each 6 hours may be given for serious or persistent contaminations. Oral Cephradine may be utilized taking after clinical enhancement accomplished with parenteral treatment for the continuation of treatment for determined or serious diseases where delayed treatment is demonstrated. Cephradine may be given without respect to dinners. Cephradine, parenteral details: Parenteral treatment may be taken after by oral Cephradine either as capsules, or oral suspension.

Route of Administration:

Cephradine, oral definitions: For oral utilize. Cephradine, parenteral definitions: For intramuscular utilize & For intravenous utilize. Cephradine may be given intravenously or by profound intramuscular infusion. To play down torment and induration, intramuscular infusions ought to be made into a expansive muscle mass, such as the gluteus or sidelong viewpoint of the thigh. Since sterile abscesses have been detailed taking after inadvertent subcutaneous infusion, the planning ought to be managed by profound intramuscular infusion. Intravenously, Cephradine may be managed by either coordinate intravenous infusion or by intravenous mixture. For coordinate intravenous infusion, the arrangement may be gradually infused specifically into a vein over a 3 to 5 diminutive period or may be given as a supplementary infusion through the infusion location on an organization set when the implantation arrangement is consistent with Cephradine.


Cephradine, oral details: Respiratory tract diseases and skin and delicate tissue contaminations: The normal measurements is 250 mg or 500 mg each 6 hours or 500 mg or 1 g each 12 hours depending on the seriousness and location of disease.

Uncomplicated urinary tract infections:

The regular measurements is 500 mg each 6 hours or 1 g each 12 hours. This may got to be expanded for extreme or incessant diseases. Delayed seriously treatment is prescribed for prostatitis and epididymitis. Cephradine, parenteral definitions: The regular every day dosage is 2 to 4 g every day in four similarly partitioned measurements intramuscularly or intravenously. A measurement of 500 mg four times a day is satisfactory in uncomplicated pneumonia, skin and skin structure diseases, and most urinary tract infections. In bone diseases the normal measurement is 1 g four times a day managed intravenously. In serious infections such as endocarditis, 2 g four times a day given intravenously is suggested. On the other hand, in extreme diseases, the dosage may be expanded by giving infusions each four hours. The most extreme dosage ought to not surpass 8 g per day.


To anticipate postoperative disease in sullied or possibly sullied surgery, prescribed measurements are as takes after: 1-2 g intravenously or intramuscularly managed 30 to 90 minutes earlier to begin of surgery. 1 g each 4 to 6 hours after the primary measurements for one to two measurements or for up to 24 hours postoperatively.

Prophylaxis in cesarean section:

The primary dosage of 1 g is managed intravenously as before long as the umbilical line is clamped. The moment and third dosages ought to be given as 1 g intravenously or intramuscularly at 6 and 12 hours after the primary dosage. Children In gentle to decently extreme infections the normal every day measurements is from 25 to 50 mg/kg managed in similarly isolated measurements each 6 or 12 hours. For otitis media due to H. influenzae, day by day dosages from 75 to 100 mg/kg managed in Cephradine, oral formulations similarly partitioned measurements each 6 or 12 hours is suggested. The most extreme dosage ought to not surpass 4 g per day.

Measurements for children ought to not surpass dosages prescribed for grown-ups.

Cephradine, parenteral definitions The regular measurements run is 50 to 100 mg/kg/day in similarly isolated measurements four times a day and ought to be controlled by age, weight of the understanding, and seriousness of the contamination being treated. The greatest pediatric every day dosage ought to not surpass the dosage suggested for grown-ups.

Elderly There are no specific dose suggestions or safety measures for utilize within the elderly but, as with other drugs, to screen those patients with disabled renal or hepatic work as adjustments of the measurement plan may be required. Renal disability

Patients not on dialysis:

The taking after measurement plan is based on a dose of 500 mg each 6 hours and on creatinine clearance is recommended as a rule. Advance adjustment within the dose plan may be required since of the measurement chosen and person variation


Cephradine should not be used in individuals who have a known allergy to cephalosporin antibiotics or any ingredient in its composition.

Warnings and Precautions

Renal disability: Utilize of Cephradine in patients with renal brokenness ought to be checked expectations. A adjusted arrangement or with reagent tablets such as Clinical test, but not with enzyme-based tests such as Clinical test or Diastolic. Drawn out utilize: As with all anti-microbials, drawn out utilize may result in abundance of non-susceptible living beings. Touchiness marvels: Touchiness marvels are more likely to happen in people who have already illustrated extreme touchiness and those with a history of hypersensitivity, asthma, roughage fever or urticaria. History of colitis/gastrointestinal disarranges: Cephradine ought to be utilized with caution in those patients with a known history of colitis/gastrointestinal measurement plan in patients with diminished renal work is fundamental. Wrong positive response for glucose: After treatment with Cephradine, a wrong positive response for glucose within the pee may happen with Benedict's or Fehling's clutters.


Penicillins, circle diuretics, probenecid, oral contraceptives, Warfarin, Live typhoid vaccine.

Pregnancy and Lactation:

Cephradine ought to not be utilized amid pregnancy and breast-feeding unless considered basic by the doctor. Cefradine ought to not be utilized amid breast-feeding unless considered fundamental by the doctor.

Adverse Reactions:

Diseases and invasions,
• Blood and lymphatic framework disorder
• Safe framework disorder
• Psychiatric disorder
• Apprehensive framework disorder
• Gastrointestinal clutters
• Hepatobiliary disorder
• Renal and urinary disorder
• Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorder
• Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorder
• Common disorder and organization location conditions
• Vascular disorder


The indications of cefradine overdose are non-specific and are for the most part queasiness, spewing, loose bowels and gastric upsets.

Manufactured by:

GlaxoSmithKline Pakistan Limited Plot 5, Sector 21, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi

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