Nervon (Mecobalamin) 500 mcg Benefits


NERVON (Mecobalamin) is a B., containing coenzyme with an active methyl base. It plays an imperative part in ruddy blood cell arrangement, methylation response, brain and apprehensive framework capacities and resistant framework capacities. Chemically, mecobalamin is described as a (5,6-Dimethylbenzimidazolyl)- Co-methyl-cobamide. The molecular formula is CHCONOP and the structural formula is: NH₂ NH₂ HO Mecobalamin HO.


NERVON (Mecobalamin) is available as:

NERVON tablet: Each  tablet contains: Mecobalamin---500_mcg

NERVON  Injection: Each 1mL ampoule contains: Mecobalamin---500_mcg

How Nervon Works

1. Mecobalamin is one and as it were homologue of Vitamin B₁₂ found within the brain that takes an interest in transmethylation. This nutrient is essential for cognitive function and helps keep the nervous system healthy. Mecobalamin successfully comes to nerve cell organelles compared to cyanocobalamin. Its basic work is acting as a coenzyme inside the era of methionine from homocysteine.
It is additionally included within the blend of thymidine from deoxyuridine in this way advancing nucleic corrosive protein union.

2. Mecobalamin restores proper transportation of skeletal protein in sciatic nerve cells. It has been observed through neurological and electrical analysis that nerve damage caused by certain drugs, including adriamycin, acrylamide, and vincristine, exhibits inhibitory effects on degeneration.

3. Mecobalamin advances the blend of lecithin, the most constituent of medullary sheath lipid, by expanding methionine synthetase activity, thus advancing myelination (phospholipid union).

4. .Mecobalamin reestablishes end-plate potential early acceptance by expanding nerve fiber sensitivity within the smashed sciatic nerve.
In expansion, mecobalamin normalizes decreased brain tissue levels of acetylcholine.

5. Mecobalamin advances nucleic corrosive union within the bone marrow and advances the development and division of erythroblasts in this manner moving forward frailty, in this way expanding erythrocyte generation.

How Nervon Moves Through The Body.

Vitamin B₁₂ substances bind to intrinsic factor, a glycoprotein secreted by the gastric mucosa and are then actively absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Vitamin B₁₂ is extensively bound (80%) to specific plasma proteins called transcobalamins; transcobalamin II appears to be involved in the rapid transport of the cobalamins to tissues. In both cases where 120mcg or 1500mcg of mecobalamin were given, the highest levels in the bloodstream were achieved within three hours.
After a single I.M or I.V dose of 500mcg, the time required for the serum total vitamin B2 level to reach a peak (Tmax) was 0.9±0.1 hours after I.M and immediately to 3 min after I.V administration. The area under the blood concentration- time curve (AUC) at 144 hours after administration was 204.1 after I.M administration and 358.6 + after I.V administration. The increment in peak serum total vitamin B12 level (Cmax) was 22.4 ± 1.1 ng/mL after I.M administration and 85.0+ 8.9ng/mL after I.V administration.
Half of the body's Vitamin B2 content is kept in the liver and is eventually eliminated via bile, which then undergoes a comprehensive enterohepatic recycling procedure.
Some of the B₁₂ secreted in the bile is excreted in the feces while the other part is excreted in the urine (40-80%), most of it in the first 8 hours. Vitamin B2 diffuses over the placenta conjointly shows up in breast milk.


Mecobalamin is recommended for managing:

1. Peripheral neuropathies.

2. Megaloblastic anemia caused by vitamin B₁₂ deficiency.


NERVON (Mecobalamin) tablets can be consumed with or without the consumption of a meal.
The dosage may be adjusted depending on the patient's age and signs. Fringe neuropathies Tablets: The normal grown-up measurement for verbal utilize is 3 tablets (1500mcg) day by day in three separated dosages.

Injection:  The regular measurement for grown-ups is 1 ampoule (500mcg of mecobalamin) a day managed intramuscularly or intravenously three times a week.

For megaloblastic anemia, it is recommended for adults to receive 500mcg of mecobalamin through intramuscular or intravenous administration three times per week, with one ampoule being the typical dosage.
After about 60 days of taking medication, the prescribed amount should be lowered to just one NERVON (Mecobalamin) ampoule every 1 to 3 months for ongoing treatment.

Instructions for use:

The cut point of the ampoule should be wiped with alcohol swab before opening. In intramuscular administration, care should be exercised to avoid adverse effects on tissues or nerves. Rehashed infusions at the same location ought to be maintained a strategic distance from. Do not inject at innervated site. In case of severe pain after insertion of injection or if blood flows back into the syringe, withdraw the needle immediately and inject at a different site.


Generally mecobalamin is well tolerated. However, a few side effects like
• GI inconvenience (counting anorexia, sickness or loose bowels) and hasty may be seen.


Patients who are allergic to this medicine or any of its components or other products containing B should avoid using Mecobalamin.


Mecobalamin injection should not be used over a period of months if there is lack of satisfactory clinical response in patients with megaloblastic anemia probably due to vitamin B, deficiency or with peripheral neuropathies.

Pregnancy and Lactation

Mecobalamin isn't prescribed in pregnant and lactating ladies.


• Reduce GI tract assimilation with neomycin, aminosalicylic corrosive, H2-blockers and colchicine.

• Reduced serum concentrations with oral contraceptives.

• Reduced effects in anemia with parenteral chloramphenicol.

•  Diminished GI tract assimilation with neomycin, aminosalicylic corrosive, Ha-blockers and colchicine.

• Reduced serum concentrations with oral contraceptives.

• Reduced effects in anemia with parenteral chloramphenicol.


Mecobalamin has excellent tolerability. Treatment is impossible to be required in cases of overdose.


NERVON (Mecobalamin) Tablets 500mcg is accessible in rankle pack of 30's.

NERVON (Mecobalamin) IM. IV. Injection 500mcg is available in blister pack of 10x1ml ampoules.

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