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ENZ 1O coenzyme Q10 50mg

Composition : Each soft gelatin capsule contains :Coenzyme Q10 ...... 50 mg .

What is coenzyme Q10 ( CoQ10 ) ?

Coenzyme Q10 is a fat - soluble vitamin - like substance present in all of your cells . It earns its name " Coenzyme Q10 " as it is needed for several key enzymatic ps in the production of energy within the cell . These enzymes are essential for the production of adenosine trip , osphate ( ATP ) , upon which all cellular functions depend . CoQ10 has a broad range of functions in the human body , which are all very dependent on adequate levels of CoQ10 . In fact , 95 % of body's energy is said to come from this source . However , when natural CoQ10 levels are inadequate , even the basic metabolic functions of these cells are impaired.Coenzyme Q10 is a naturally occurring compound that is synthesized endogenously in humans and is also found in some foods , dietary sources are relatively low , with an estimated dietary intake of less than 10 mg a day from meat and poultry , exogenous Coenzyme Q10 is needed by human body .

 Do you need to take Coenzyme Q10 supplements ? Impairment of your body's production of CoQ10 :

The process that body uses the production of CoQ10 is quite complex . It's a 17 steps process requiring at least seven other vitamins and several trace minerals . Deficiency of one ore more of these essential components may adversely affect the production of sufficient quantities of CoQ10.

Excessive CoQ10 utilization by your body :

Its role in producing cellular energy for muscles can lead to its depletion with excessive exertion or high metabolic states . For instance , take the most active muscle in the body ... heart . " When the heart muscle becomes weak for whatever reason, it puts an increased demand on the nutrient needs of the heart cells in order for them to produce energy, , because of excessive utilization of these nutrients , the heart muscles eventually become depleted of CoQ10 . " explains Dr . Strand .

Certain drugs can deplete Coenzyme Q10 ,
 These include ,

• Cholesterol Lowering Drugs such as Statins .

• Beta - blockers for High Blood Pressure.

• Tricyclic Anti - depressants Medications.

• Type 11 Diabetes Medications .

Why do you need to take Coenzyme Q10 supplements ?

Age related depletion :
Studies have shown that body's natural Co Q10 levels begin to drastically decease after the age of 21.Coincidentally , some have noted that during this time that our bodies first begin to show the negative signs of aging .

• Cholesterol lowering drugs :

Drugs ( Statins ) prescribed for lowering of Cholesterol usually interferes with the natural production of CoQ10 . For this reason , doctors recommended a CoQ10 dosage to supplement the depleted natural levels .

• Heart health supplement :

Mitochondrial cells are most prevalent in the vital organs , like the heart , since they use the most energy . There have been a n umber of studies ( including double - blind research ) which suggest optimal CoQ10 dosage supports cardiovascular health .

• Parkinson's disease :

It has been found that sufferers of this disease have abnormally low CoQ10 levels . An extensive study funded by the National Institute of Health USA , concluded that CoQ10 dosage supplementation resulted in a " significant reduction " in disability symptoms experienced by early stage sufferers 

• Male infertility / Fertility enhancement 

There are several studies that showed that taking CoQ10 supplement increases sperm count and motility . Taking coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) increases the amount in the sperm. It is believed that higher concentration in the semen will improve sperm function , leading to increase fertility .

• What dosage of Coenzyme Q10 is needed as supplement ?

Hypertension :
Randomized , double - blind , placebo - controlled trial of Coenzyme Q10 in isolated systolic hypertension . ( South Medical Journal 2001 ) , we conducted a 3 months randomized , double - blind , placebo controlled trial with twice daily administration of 100 mg of oral CoQ10 and determination of plasma levels before and after the treatment . The mean reduction in SBP was 17 mmHg. No patient had an orthostatic blood pressure change.
Congestive heart failure :
The recommended dosage up to 100 mg CoQ10 per day for first 2-3 weeks .

Cholesterol lowering drugs ( Statins ) . Patients with high cholesterol levels who are put on statins such as Lipitor and Zocor should take additional CoQ10 200 mg daily for few weeks during therapy to counteract the muscle damage from statin drugs . Dr Giuseppe Caso and colleagues from Stony Brook University , New York gave 200 mg CoQ10 for 1 month in 32 patients using statins . Pain intensity was decreased by 40 % after one month on Coenzyme Q10 treatment where as patients treated with vitamin E ( as Placebo ) experienced no change in pain intensity , Am J Cardio 2007 .

Parkinson's disease :
Studies have used a wide range of Coenzyme Q10 doses , from as low as 300 mg per day to 1200 mg per day . Typically high doses were used for conditions such as Parkinson's disease or Mitochondrial diseases .

Migraine :
Study of 42 patients who had suffered from migraine for year or more , dose of 100 mg daily decreased migraine attacks by 50 % .

Depression :
Long term use of Tricyclic Anti - depressants is associated with depletion of CoQ10 & may increase the risk of heart problems . Simultaneous ad ministration of CoQ10 200 mg daily prevents side effects associated with Anti - depressants .

Male Infertility / Fertility enhancement :
In a recent study at the Polytechnic University of Marche , Italy . 60 infertile men between the age of 27-39 years were given a daily dose of 300 mg Coenzyme Q10 or placebo for 6 months , with a 3 months follow - up , CoQ10 increased significantly in both seminal plasma and semen cells after treatment . It also improved sperm motility .

P.I.H / Pre - eclampsia : In a recent study Coenzyme Q10 supplementation 200 mg daily starting from 20th week of pregnancy till delivery appears to be 95 % safe , well tolerated & effective which resulted in significant reduction in the risk of pre - eclampsia and birth defects .

Skin / Cutaneous antioxidant & energizer : Recent studies showed that cytokine production in keratinocytes is inhibited by Coenzyme Q10 , resulting in a decrease of metalloproteinases leading to wrinkle reductions . CoQ10 was also able to significantly suppress the expression of collagenase in human dermal fibroblasts following UVA radiation . These results indicate thatCoQ10 has the efficacy to prevent many of the detrimental effects of photoaging . Coenzyme Q10 supplementation of 100 mg daily helps lowers age - related degeneration of the skin & photo aging .

Dosage : For adults 19 years and older :

The recommended dose of Coenzyme Q10 supplementation is 100-200 mg per day in divided doses . But the recommended amount can be as high as 1200 mg per day . Soft Gels tend to be better absorbed by the body as compared to Hard shell capsules or other preparations .

Side Effects :

Adverse effects are very rare after oral administration of Coenzyme Q10 less than 1 % , if occurs they are transit , may include nausea , epigastric discomfort , diarrhea and skin rash .

Precautions :

There have been reports that Coenzyme Q10 may decrease the effectiveness of blood - thinning medications such as warfarin or clopidogrel leading to the need for increased doses .

Excretion : Coenzyme Q10 is excreted predominantly via the biliary tract . Over 60 % of oral doses are recovered in the facces . Its elimination half life is approximately 34 hours . tions : COFRY Covoassive heat .

Storage Instructions : Coenzyme Q10 store at room temperature . Protect from light , moisture and excessive heat . Keep out of the reach of children . Packaging : 20 Soft Gelatin Capsules of 50 mg in Alu - Alu - Packing . Do not give your child any tablets unless he tells you he needs them. Do not let him drink any liquids without asking him first. Ask yourself if you know what else might harm him. Tell your pharmacist if you think you or someone else may have taken too much medicine. Make sure you tell your doctor if you’re taking any other medicines, including herbal remedies. Use our Medicine Guide to find out which medicines to take, who can help you avoid mixing medicines, and whether you should inform your doctor about any side effects.

Enz 10 tablet price in Pakistan

Retail price 900

Import by : Mass Pharma ( Pvt ) Ltd. 17 - Km , Ferozepur Road , Lahore , Pakistan . Marketed by : JnS International ( Private ) Limited . Manufactured in Collaboration with PharmaTech ASIC GROUP LTO HPG a part of HONSON PHARMATECH GROUP C AN A 980 Tapscott Rd , Toronto , ON M1X 1C3 , Canada . DA 8 - A , City Hotel Building , Minie industry Park , Meiban Road , Longhua New District , Shenzhen , PRC ( 518131 ) . Mfg : Shandong Yuwang Pharmaceutical Co Ltd , 2731 Tonggu Road , Yucheng City , Shandong Province , PRC .

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