Bisleri Chewable Tablets / Capsules / Syrup Iron ( Hydroxide Polymaltose Complex + Folic Acid Iron ( 1 ) Hydroxide Polymaltose Complex


Bisleri is a novel iron preparation used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia . Iron , an essential constituent of the body , is necessary for haemoglobin formation and for the oxidative process of living tissue Bisleri ( Iron ( 1 ) Hydroxide Polymaltose Complex ) is a low molecular weight carbohydrate polymer ( Polymaltose ) . This prevents the iron from causing any harm in the gastrointestinal system . Thís protection inhibits interactiöns of the iron with foöd . Moreover , it ensures the bioavailability of the iron.


Bisleri Syrup Bisleri Chewable Tablets Each chewable tablet contains : Bisleri Capsules Each capsule contains : Each 5ml contains : Iron ( III ) Hydroxide Polymallose Complex MS equivalent to Elemental Iron . ....... 50mg Iron ( III ) Hydroxide Polymaltose Complex MS equivalent to elemental iron Foli c Acid USP Iron ( III ) Hydroxide Polymaltose Complex MS equivalent to elemental Iron ... ..100mg Folic Acid USP .......... .... 350mcg 100mg 350mcg.


Iron Polymaltose , the active iron ingredient of Bisleri essentially non - ionic , therefore , it has the following properties unlike ionized iron salt preparations : It does not cause imitation of the intestinal mucosa It has palatable , non metallic taste ( vanilla and toffee flavor ) It has excellent tolerance Bisleri can be taken with meals as appropriate to the patient , with any beverage or medicaments Bisleri chewable tablets / capsules a novel preparation for the treatment of iron and folic acid deficiencies of all orígins duríng pregnancy and lactation periöd . The follc acid content corresponds to the recommendation of the WHO Bisleri syrup is pleasant tasted preparation tailored particularly for infants , children and elderly to cover the required demand of iron especially during pregnancy and lactation adolescents and woman capable of bearing children and adults.


Bisleri Chewable Tablets and Capsules : Prevention and treatment of iron and folic women of child bearing age facing deficiency of iron .


Dosage and duration of therapy are dependent upon the extent of iron deficiency Bisleri Chewable Tablets and Capsules : One chewable tablet or capsule 2 or 3 times daily until a normalisation of haemoglobin value is achieved . Afterwards the therapy should be continued with one chewable tablet or capsule daily for a further month after normalisation of the blood values Bislen dhewable tablets or capsules should be chewed or swallowed during or immediately after meal Bisleri Syrup : 1 should be taken as directed by the physician Dosage and duration of therapy are dependant upon the extent of iron deficiency

Age Group|Manifest Iron Deficiency|Latent Iron Deficiency|Prophylactic Therapy

Infant ( upto 1 year )/ 2.5-5ml daily |----|----

Children ( upto 1-12 ) | 5-10 ml daily | 2.5-5ml daily| ---

Children ( > 12 yrs ) Adults & nursing women/ 10-30ml daily/ 5 -10ml daily/----

Pregnant Women/ 20-30ml daily/ 10ml daily/ 5-10ml daily.


Overloading of iron ( haemochromatosis , chronic haemolysis ) Disturbances in iron utilisation ( lead anemia , sidero - achrestic anemia ) , thalassemia Megaloblastic anemia due to Vitamin B - 12 deficiency.


As with all oral iron preparations , a dark colouration of the stool may occur which is without clinical significance.


Occasionally Gl irritation , pressure in the epigastric region , nausea , constipation or diarrhoea may occur . Allergíc reactions have been repörted rarely with folic acid.


Since , the iron is complex bound , ionic interactions with foodstuff components ( phylins , oxalates , tannin , etc. ) and concomitantly administered medicaments ( tetracycline , antacids ) are unlikely to occur STABILITY : See expiry on the pack TAGS heus ( ELSTAHUIDUST )


Bisleri Chewable tablets in a pack of 10's : Bisleri Capsules in a pack of 10's Bisleri Syrup in a pack of 60ml and 120ml.


Keep out of reach of children Avoid exposure to heat , light , humidity and freezing Store between 15 to 30 ° C L Improper storage may deteriorate the medicine Medicine should not be used if container is leaking or it contains undissolved particles

Manufactured by : SAMI Pharmaceuticals ( Pvt . ) Ltd. 

Beslri tablet Price in Pakistan

PKR: 130/ pack of 10 tablets

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